So here's what a very unmotivated Converter could come up with this week:
1. Nebraska - Michigan
NCAAFConverter says : NE-MI, or rather, Nemi, a young Goth girl in a Norweigan comic series.
I must say I did NOT see this coming, and I'll wager neither did Michigan. Fresh off a tough win at a hard game in Happy Valley, look to see the Cornhuskers tom continue cutting a swath through their new conference. What's that, Mike Sherman? You want Bo Pellini to call in sick the day of next year's Minnesota game so he can feed you secrets on the sideline? Good call; your reception in the SEC next year will be a harder experience. NEBRASKA for the win, please.
2. Cincinnati - Rutgers
NCAAFConverter says : The Situation calls for the Bearcat.
That's right, New Jersey's own The Situation calls for The Bearcat, one of law enforcement's finest weapons in the fight against, well, a Lebanese militia or a Mexican drug cartel. I'll take CINCY for the win; this Situation will be over just as soon as it begins.
3. Penn State - Ohio State
NCAAFConverter says : Hide the children
You can't make this stuff up. I will reluctantly take PENN STATE for the win.
4. South Florida - Miami
NCAAFConverter says :
That's right, there is a puppy mill out there that cranks out pure bred English Bulldog puppies and this is the company's spokesdog. Amazing. Just like an ascendant USF, you never would have seen this before the dawn of the Internet. USF for the win.
5. Kansas State - Texas
NCAAFConvrter says : No 'horns in Manhattan
From your lips to God's ears, Converter; from your lips to God's ears. KSU for the win.